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Schiffsschild ist ein Typ von Raumschiffsausrüstung das dein Raumschiff gegen Energie-basierten Schaden schützt. Es gibt vier Arten von Schiffschilden, drei davon erscheinen mit ihren eigenen einzigartigen Vorteilen, sowie mehrere spezielle Schilde, die als Missionsbelohnungen vergeben oder über das Rufsystem gekauft werden:

  • Das [Schildarray] has balanced stats compared to the three below.
  • Das [Kovariantes Schildarray] has a 10% higher maximum capacity, but 25% slower regeneration rate.
  • Das [Regeneratives Schildarray] has a 25% faster regeneration rate, but 10% lower maximum capacity.
  • Das [Belastbares Schildarray] has 5% lower capacity and regeneration, but allows for 5% absorption and 5% bleedthrough, as opposed to the normal 10% bleedthrough.

Schiff Schild Modifikatoren[]

Ungewöhnlich Schiffsschild Schilde haben einen Modifikator, Selten haben zwei, und sehr selten haben drei, Extrem selten haben vier. Alle Episch Schilde haben [Cp/Rg] als ihren Standardtisierten fünften Modifikator, though this can be re-engineered into a different modifier. It is possible for shields to have the same standard modifiers more than once. The following are examples of Ship Shield modifiers:

Modifikator Effekt
[Cap] Erhöht die maximale Schildkapazität um 10%
[Reg] Erhöht die Schildregeneration um 10%
[Pha] Reduziert Phaserschaden auf Schilde um 20%
[Dis] Reduziert Disruptorschaden auf Schilde um 20%
[Pla] Reduziert Plasmaschaden auf Schilde um 20%
[Pol] Reduziert Polaronschaden auf Schilde um 20%
[Tet] Reduziert Tetryonschaden auf Schilde um 20%
[Ap] Reduziert Antiprotonen Schaden auf Schilde um 20%
Hergestellte Schilde
Available on Shields crafted from the F&E Schilde Fachbereich.
Crafted mods cannot be rerolled via re-engineering.
[Amp] Verstärkt eingehende Heilung um 10%
[Heal] Erhöht ausgehende Heilung um 5%
Nur Flotte Schilde
[Adapt] When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming Schadensart by 2% for 30 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times (per damage type).
Found on Elite Fleet Shield Arrays from the Fleet Starbase.
[ResA] Reduces Phaser, Polaron and Tetryon damage to Shields by 15%
Found on Advanced and Elite Fleet Shield Arrays from the Fleet Starbase.
[ResB] Reduces Disruptor, Plasma and Antiproton damage to Shields by 15%
Found on Advanced and Elite Fleet Shield Arrays from the Fleet Starbase.
[ResAll] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Found on Elite Fleet Channeling Shield Arrays from the Fleet Colony World and assorted other shields.
[mods 1]
+__ Starship Engineering Readiness (based on current Shield Capacity Percentage)
Found on Elite Fleet Channeling Shield Arrays from the Fleet Colony World.
[mods 1]
+__ Starship Scientific Readiness (based on current Shield Capacity Percentage)
Found on Elite Fleet Channeling Shield Arrays from the Fleet Colony World.
[mods 1]
+__ Starship Tactical Readiness (based on current Shield Capacity Percentage)
Found on Elite Fleet Channeling Shield Arrays from the Fleet Colony World.
Nur Spezial Schilde (Hergestellt/Aufgewertet Missionsbelohnungen und Ruf) - Nur Extrem selten
[C/R] Erhöht die maximale Schildkapazität um 5%
Erhöht die Schildregeneration um 5%
[Rad] Reduziert Strahlungsschaden auf Schilde um 20%
Episch Schiffschilde
[Cp/Rg] Increases Maximum Shield Capacity by 10%
Increases Shield Regeneration by 10%
This is the default Epic modifier for Shields.
The others must be obtained by re-engineering your Shield.
[ResA] Reduces Phaser, Polaron and Tetryon damage to Shields by 15%
Same as the mod found on Advanced and Elite Fleet Shield Arrays from the Fleet Starbase. Those shields may thus obtain [ResA]x2.
[ResB] Reduces Disruptor, Plasma and Antiproton damage to Shields by 15%
Same as the mod found on Advanced and Elite Fleet Shield Arrays from the Fleet Starbase. Those shields may thus obtain [ResB]x2.
[ResAll] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Found on Elite Fleet Channeling Shield Arrays from the Fleet Colony World. Those shields may thus obtain [ResAll]x2.
Mark level des Item X =
Mk I 1.9
Mk II 2.5
Mk III 3.1
Mk IV 3.75
Mk V 4.4
Mk VI 5
Mk VII 5.6
Mk VIII 6.25
Mk IX 6.9
Mk X 7.5
Mk XI 8.1
Mk XII 8.75
Mk XIII 9.4
Mk XIV 10

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 [EngCD], [SciCD] and [TacCD] give 0.75 Engineering/Scientific/Tactical Readiness per 1% of total Shield Capacity percentage across all four shield facings, with a maximum of +75 when all shield facings are at maximum capacity.

Besondere Schiffsschilde[ | ]

Flottenschilde[ | ]

Leitartikel: Flotte Raum Schilde

Ruf Schilde[ | ]

Die folgenden sind Ruf Set Schilde, alle Varianten der vier Grundarten oberhalb, mit den Werten die für Mk XII gegeben werden. Jeder Rufabschnitt erfordert Klasse 5 um Schilde zu kaufen, und jedes Schild ergibt ein einzigartiges Aussehen wenn ausgerüstet oder im kosmetischen Schild shot platziert wurde. Werte verwenden ein X Multiplikator und skalieren auch wenn das bei Item Item das Mark level erhöht, siehe in der Tabelle unterhalb.

Numbers taken from a level 60 character with no skill points spent, no traits slotted, no equipment but the shield, 50 shield power, and no specializations affecting item stats, in a ship with a 1x shield modifer (the Light Cruiser). Regeneration rates were 50% higher than expected, but the table is still representative of their differences relative to each other.

Schiffsschild Typ Max Kapazität Regeneration
pro 6 Sek
Extrem selten Mod Erweiterter Bonus
Assimilated Regenerative Shield Array iconCommon icon
Regenerative 4000 312.5 [Rad] +5 Shield Power Setting
Reduces Plasma Damage to Shields by 15%
M.A.C.O. Resilient Shield Array iconCommon icon
Resilient 4940 190 [Reg] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Reduces Plasma Damage to Shields by 20%
When hit by Directed Energy attacks, you gain +2 to all power Settings for 15 sec. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
Same as Adapted K.H.G. Resilient Shield Array
Honor Guard Shield Array iconCommon icon
Honor Guard
Covariant 6160 165 [Ap] Reduces Plasma Damage to Shields by 20%
20% Chance: Any attacker that hits you with Energy Weapons may become Placated for 1sec (max once every 10 seconds)
Same as Adapted M.A.C.O. Covariant Shield Array
Omega Force Shield Array iconCommon icon
Omega Force
Standard 4680 275 [Reg] Reduces Plasma Damage to Shields by 20%
When receiving All Energy Damage, 50% chance of applying Energy Wake
+5 Flight Speed for 5 sec
+30% Flight Turn Rate for 5 sec
Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields iconCommon icon
Resilient 4940 190 [Reg] Reduces Tetryon damage to Shields by 10%
Reduces Radiation Damage to Shields by 10%
Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
1% chance to reflect 150% of incoming energy damage back at attackers (50% Shield Penetration)
Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array iconVery rare icon
Reman Prototype
Covariant 6160 150 [Pla] Reduces Disruptor Damage to Shields by 20%
10% chance when hit by Directed Energy attacks, gain +5% Maximum Shield Capacity for 30 sec (stacks up to 10 times)
Romulan Prototype Covariant Shield Array iconCommon icon
Romulan Prototype
Covariant 6160 150 [Pla] Reduces Phaser Damage to Shields by 20%
10% chance when hit by Directed Energy attacks, gain +5% Maximum Shield Capacity for 30 sec (stacks up to 10 times)
No iconCommon icon
Regenerative 3600 300 [Cap] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Reduces Antiproton Damage to Shields by 20%
When receiving damage while a shield facing is depleted, 100% chance to apply: Hyper Regenerative Shield Array
+1,200 Shield Regeneration per facing
Reduces Damage to Shields by 67% for 10 sec
Counter-Command Covariant Shield Array iconCommon icon
Covariant 5720 150 [Reg] Reduces Antiproton Damage to Shields by 20%
When hit by Directed Energy attacks, you have a 2.5% chance to drain 10 Weapon Power from the attacker
Delta Alliance Unimatrix Shield Array iconCommon icon
Delta Alliance
Covariant 5720 150 [Cap] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Reduces Polaron Damage to Shields by 10%
50% Shield Drain Resistance
Unimatrix Shielding: When attacking: 2.5% chance: +5% Shield Hardness for 30 sec, can stack 3 times
Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Array iconCommon icon
Iconian Resistance
Resilient 4560 190 [Reg] Reduces all energy damage to Shields by 15%
Hot Restart: Automatically removes shield disabled conditions after 1 second.
Removes 1 debuff every 10 sec
Terran Task Force Covariant Shield Array iconCommon icon
Terran Task Force
Covariant 5720 150 [Cap] Reduces Phaser Damage to Shields by 20%
2.5% chance to reflect pulse of Disruptor damage to attackers, dealing 75% of incoming energy damage
Temporal Defense Initiative Regenerative Shield Array iconCommon icon
Temporal Defense
Regenerative 4320 250 [Cap] +X×3 Drain Expertise
Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
Passive Shield Regeneration increases as your shields are damaged, up to a 100% increase
Prevailing Innervated Resilient Shield Array iconCommon icon
Prevailing Innervated
Resilient 3350 165 [Reg] +X×2 Physical and Kinetic Hull Resistance Rating
Any attacker that damages you is Placated for 1 sec. (Max once every 20 seconds)
5% chance when damaged by Energy Damage:
+1% Critical Chance for 5 sec
+10% Critical Severity for 5 sec
No iconCommon icon
Prevailing Bolstered
Resilient 3350 165 [Reg] +X×2 Physical and Kinetic Hull Resistance Rating
Any attacker that damages you is Placated for 1 sec. (Max once every 20 seconds)
5% chance when damaged by Energy Damage:
+3,000 Temporary Hit Points for 5 sec
No iconCommon icon
Prevailing Fortified
Resilient 3350 165 [Reg] +X×2 Physical and Kinetic Hull Resistance Rating
Any attacker that damages you is Placated for 1 sec. (Max once every 20 seconds)
5% chance when damaged by Energy Damage:
+20% Maximum Hit Points for 10 sec

Mission and Crafted Shields[ | ]

Stats given for Mk XII items, as above. To be done: [Metaphasic Shield Array] for shuttles.

Ship Shield Type Max Capacity Regeneration
per 6 sec
Extrem selten Mod Additional Bonus Obtaining
Aegis Covariant Shield Array iconCommon icon
Covariant 5280 150 [C/R] Provides a visual effect.
+5.2 / 5.6 / 6 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating
+5.2 / 5.6 / 6 All Energy Damage Resistance Rating
(Mk XII / Mk XIII / Mk XIV)
+2.5 Shield Power
When hit: Chance to increase resistance against incoming damage type for a short time. Stacks up to 5 times per energy type.
Shields School
Level 15
& Gumarre
Dielectric Oscillation Resilient Shields iconCommon icon
Resilient 4370 190 [Rad] Provides a visual effect.
Reduces Polaron Damage to Shields by 20%
Alle Fraktionen“Cold Storage”
Hyper-Capacitor Shield Array iconCommon icon
Covariant 6720 120 Random Shield Capacitance Bleed
Trade Shield Capacity for Damage Buff
Damage Bonus scales with current Shield Capacity % and caps at +40%
While active, cannot be affected by Shield Heals
On firing any Energy Weapon, -104 damage to self Shields
1 min 30 sec recharge
Shields School
Level 15
Jem'Hadar Resilient Shields iconCommon icon
Resilient 4560 190 [C/R] Provides a visual effect.
Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
+10 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating
+25 Resistance Rating vs Duration of Subsystem Offline
Alle Fraktionen“Boldly They Rode”
No iconCommon icon
Regenerative 4680 250 [ResAll] +10% Incoming Hull Healing to Self Alle Fraktionen“Staub zu Staub”
Resilient Shield Array iconRare icon
Regenerative 2400 325 ?   Nur Föderation“Taris”
Nur Klingone“Schicksal”
Resilient Shield Array iconRare icon
Covariant 5720 100 ?   Nur Föderation“Past Imperfect”
Nur Klingone“Test of Mettle”
Nur Romulaner“Handelsgut”
Quantum Phase Resilient Shield Array iconCommon icon
Quantum Phase
Resilient 4560 209 [ResAll] +10% Incoming Shield Healing to Self
Quantum Phase Fluctuations
Some Science Officer abilities will repair your shields.
230 Shield Regeneration applied once to each facing
Applies to:
-Tyken's Rift
-Viral Matrix
-Destabilizing Resonance Beam
-Tachyon Beam
-Charged Particle Burst
-Energy Siphon
Alle Fraktionen“Vom Sturm erfasst”
Sol Defense Covariant Shield Array iconCommon icon
Sol Defense
Covariant 5280 165 [Reg] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
+15 Incoming Shield Healing to Self
Alle Fraktionen“Mitternacht”
Solanae Resilient Shield Array iconCommon icon
Resilient 4560 190 [Ap] Reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
When hit by Directed Energy attacks, you have a 1% chance to Reflect 33% of damage back at attacker. This effect cannot be triggered more than once every 2 seconds.
Alle Fraktionen“Ein Schritt zwischen den Sternen”

Note: The mission “Kolosseum”, the ninth mission in the Romulan Mystery episode arc, awards a [Reman Prototype Covariant Shield Array]. While initially not part of a set, selecting to Upgrade this shield from your inventory will make it part of the Advanced set available from the Romulan Reputation system (see above), albeit at rare quality. Vorlage:Ship component nav
