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Romulan RepublicRemaner

Ein Remanischer Offizier

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Verwandte Spezies:
Romulaner, Vulkanier
Romulanische Republik
Remaner Widerstand
Romulanisches Sternenimperium
Spielbare Captains mit Romulanische Republik Fraktion.
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Einzigartige Fähigkeiten:
Subterfuge icon Infiltrator icon Mental Burst icon Mental Discipline icon

Die Remaner sind eine humanoide Rasse, die vom Planeten Remus im Romulus-System abstammt, diesen Planeten aber schließlich verlassen hat, um sich auf Crateris niederzulassen. Während einige Untertanen des romulanischen Sternenreiches bleiben, haben sich eine große Anzahl von Remanern zusammengeschlossen, um eine separate Fraktion zu bilden - den remanischen Widerstand, der Die Vault angesiedelt ist und sich seitdem verbündet hat mit der Romulanischen Republik auf Neu Romulus.

Aussehen[ | ]

Die Remaner sind Humanoide mit einer farblosen, fast durchscheinenden Haut. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass sie nur auf der dauerhaft dunklen Seite ihrer ursprünglichen Heimatwelt Remus leben konnten. Einige Remaner besitzen telepathische Kräfte, die offensiv eingesetzt werden können.

Kultur[ | ]

Über die remanische Kultur ist wenig bekannt. Infolge des Lebens unter strengen romulanischen Regeln sind sie in Bergbau und Kriegsführung sehr erfahren.

Geschichte[ | ]

Hauptartikel: Geschichte der Romulanischen und Remanischen Leute
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Sklavenkaste[ | ]

  • The Remans were a slave and labor force of the Romulan Star Empire since at least the 22nd century.
  • Reman troops were used as assault forces - and cannon fodder - during the Dominion War of the 2370s.

Shinzon's Coup[ | ]

  • In 2379, the Remans - led by Shinzon, a clone of Jean-Luc Picard; and backed by several Romulans, including Senator Tal'aura and Commander Donatra - launched a coup, overthrowing the Romulan Senate. Their victory was largely due to their use of thalaron weapons. Following the coup, Shinzon attempted to exterminate all life on Earth using a Cascading Biogenic Pulse weapon on his flagship, the I.R.W. Scimitar. He was defeated in the Battle of the Bassen Rift by the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-E), the Romulan warbird I.R.W. Valdore (commanded by Donatra, who had changed her mind about supporting Shinzon), and another Mogai Escort. (Star Trek: Nemesis)

Post-Shinzon[ | ]

  • Following Shinzon's death, the Remans demanded a world where they could live independent of the Empire. Tal'aura - now a Praetor - refused, and blockaded Remus instead. This resulted in several skirmishes in orbit, none of which were consequential.
  • In 2381, General Xiomek of the Reman Kepeszuk Battalion allied with Spock's Unification movement on Romulus, seeing them as yet another population exploited by the Romulans. Unlike the Unification movement, however, the Remans wished to win their freedom through a military solution rather than nonviolence.
  • In 2382, the Remans petitioned for representation in the Romulan Senate, but Tal'aura ignored the request.
  • In 2384, Sela blamed the Remans for the murder of Tal'aura: "The blood of one praetor was not enough for the Remans. Tal'aura was the victim of their thirst for destruction."
  • In 2385, Donatra met with Xiomek on Remus. She offered the Remans full citizenship in the empire and representation in the Romulan Senate in exchange for their support. The Remans accepted, adding to Donatra's formidable military strength and giving her the resources to reopen shipyards and munitions plants closed since Shinzon's revolt.
  • In 2386, it was found that Remus could no longer be mined without risking a Praxis-like disaster. The Romulans, rejecting Xiomek's request for a continent on Romulus, instead offered Crateris to the Remans to be their new homeworld, which the Remans accepted.
  • In 2387, Xiomek invited Donatra to see the new colony on Crateris. During her return, the Hobus star went supernova and destroyed the Romulus System. Donatra, Xiomek, and the Valdore were all reported missing in the aftermath.

Remanischer Widerstand[ | ]

  • In early 2409, Crateris and other Reman-inhabited colonies, e.g., Delta Corvi, are attacked and destroyed by the Tal Shiar and their Elachi allies. Many Remans are able to flee and band together under Guard Captain Obisek to establish a resistance base on Dera IV. After the base is attacked and destroyed by the Tal Shiar, Obisek and his followers claim the The Vault in the Haakona System in order to start a full-on resistance movement against Empress Sela's Romulan Star Empire and the Tal Shiar in particular.
  • Following the defeat of the head of the Tal Shiar, Hakeev, as well as the disappearance of Empress Sela, the Remans join D'Tan's Unificationists on New Romulus to build a new Romulan Republic together.
  • As of early 2410, Obisek and his Reman Resistance continue to support the establishment of New Romulus as a capital for the Romulan Republic. Meanwhile they also have successfully defended the Vault against Tholian attackers and additionally claimed Vauthil Station for the Republic.

Eigenschaften[ | ]

Politik[ | ]

Führung[ | ]

  • Xiomek
  • Obisek

Militär[ | ]

Raumschiffe[ | ]

  • Critter Rank 0 icon Scorpion-Jäger
  • Critter Rank 1 icon T'varo Leichter Warbird
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Dhael Warbird
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Mogai Schwerer Warbird
  • Critter Rank 3 icon D'deridex Schlachtkreuzer
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Haakona Advanced Warbird
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Scimitar Dreadnought

Bodentruppen[ | ]

  • Critter Rank 1 icon Guard
  • Critter Rank 1 icon Shadow Guard
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Guard Elite
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Shadow Guard Elite
  • Critter Rank 2 icon Dark Shadow Guard Elite
  • Critter Rank 3 icon Guard Commander
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Guard Captain

Bosse[ | ]

  • Critter Rank 4 icon Commander Arranhu (“Taris”)
  • Critter Rank 4 icon Lortrix (“Der Preis von Neutralität”)

NPCs[ | ]

Siehe Liste der Remaner NPCs

Dienstoffiziere[ | ]

Siehe Liste der Remaner Dienstoffiziere

Missionen beteiligt[ | ]

  • “Wege trennen sich bei Crateris”: The Reman colony on Crateris is invaded by the Tal Shiar and Elachi.
  • “Nacht und Nebel”: Undercover Romulan Republic players attempt to sabotage another Tal Shiar/Elachi invasion of a Reman colony on Delta Corvi.
  • Sternenflotte“Taris”: It is discovered that the renegade Remans are acting under orders from Taris - missing since 2403 - out of the Iconia System.
  • “Der Unsterbliche”: In the confusion of Hassan the Undying's attack, a Reman ship escapes Nimbus III with Thalaron weapon triggers.
  • “Die Vault”: The Reman presence in The Vault is investigated.
  • “Feind der Mine”: A Romulan mining world is investigated to shed light on why the Remans targeting it.
  • “Gefroren”: A hidden Reman base is discovered.
  • “Kolosseum”: Slamek aid's the players escape from captivity.
  • “Die Leitung kappen”: Obisek's forces help take down Hakeev and the Tal Shiar
  • “Dunkelheit vor der Dämmerung”: Epilogue with Obisek
  • “Hilfe für Neu-Romulus”: Obisek and D'Tan talk on New Romulus.

Anmerkungen[ | ]

  • Die Remaner waren ursprünglich eine nicht spielbare Rasse, wurden aber mit der Erweiterung Legacy of Romulus zu einer spielbaren Spezies (was dem Spiel auch weibliche Remaner hinzufügte). Sie können über den Zen Store oder durch Erreichen der Stufe V des Romulanischen Rufsystems erworben werden.

Externe Links[ | ]

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Romulanisches Sternenimperium (25. Jahrhundert)
Faction Romulan Star Empire
Details Romulanisches Sternenimperium (25. Jahrhundert)Romulaner • Remaner • HirogenRator III • Gasko StationTal ShiarRomulanische Geschichte
Bodentruppen Romulanischer Analyst • Techniker • Rekrut (Romulanisch) • Ulan • Medizinischer Sublieutenant • Centurion • Centurion Techniker • Centurion Medizinisch • Centurion Wissenschaftler • Subcommander • Subcommander Techniker • Subcommander Wissenschaftler • Commander (Mob) • Romulanischer Captain
Raumschiffe Romulanisches Shuttle • Scorpion Jäger (Mob) • Leichter T'varo-Warbird (Mob) • Schwerer Mogai-Warbird (Mob) • D'deridex-Schlachtkreuzer • Scimitar Dreadnought
NSCs Arranhu • Charva • Hakeev • Janek • Khaiel N'Vek • Khiana • Ruul • Sela • Taris • Tarsen
NSC Raumschiffe I.R.W. Aethra • I.R.W. Areinnye • I.R.W. Esemar • I.R.W. Khnial • I.R.W. Leahval • I.R.W. Rea • Sela's Armed Freighter • I.R.W. Sithesh
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Remanischer Widerstand
Faction Reman
Details Remanischer WiderstandRemanerDie VaultCrateris • Remus • Neu Romulus • Vauthil StationRemanische Geschichte
Bodentruppen Guard • Shadow Guard • Guard Elite • Shadow Guard Elite • Guard Commander • Shadow Guard Commander • Guard Captain
Raumschiffe Scorpion-Jäger • Leichter T'varo-Warbird • Dhelan Warbird • Schwerer Mogai-Warbird • D'deridex-Schlachtkreuzer • Haakona Advanced Warbird • Scimitar Dreadnought
NSCs Khiy • Obisek • Rashna • Slamek • Vrimek • Xionel • Zden
NSC Raumschiffe I.R.W. Decimus • R.R.W. Llaisnen • Reman Scout • Rerik • Zdenia
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Romulanische Republik
Faction Romulan Republic
Details Romulanische RepublikRomulaner • RemanerNeu RomulusNeu Romulus KommandoRomulanische FlotteDie VaultVauthil Station
Bodentruppen Uhlan • Wache • Schattenwache • Sublieutenant • Sublieutenant Engineer • Elitewache • Schattenelitewache • Subcommander • Wachcommander • Schattenwachcommander • Commander (Mob) • Wachcaptain
Raumschiffe Romulanisches Shuttle • Scorpionjäger (Mob) • T'varo Leichter Warbird (Mob) • Dhelan Warbird (Mob) • Mogai Schwerer Warbird (Mob) • D'deridex-Schlachtkreuzer • Ha'apax Advanced Warbird (Mob) • Falchion Dreadnought Warbird (Mob) • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird (Mob)
NSCs A'dranna t’Kerhav • Avran • D'Tan • Kaol • Kererek • Mena • Mivek • Nadel • Obisek • Romulan Ambassador • Tal'Mera • Rai Sahen • Shravuk • Temer • Tiaru Jarok • Tovan Khev
NSC Raumschiffe R.R.W. Deihu • R.R.W. D'serek • R.R.W. Hasta • R.R.W. Hyperian • R.R.W. Lleiset • R.R.W. M'sarr • Rerik • R.R.W. Temanna • Zdenia