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Faction FedRomKDF Die Nacht des Kometen
Vergeben von:
Franklin Drake
15+ Nur Föderation
32+[1] Nur KlingoneNur Romulaner
Vorangegangen von:
“Alles Alte ist Neu”
Gefolgt von:
“Der letzte Klingone”
13. November 2010
Nur Föderation Lv 15: 6180 Experience Point icon
Nur Klingone Lv 33: 6975 Experience Point icon
Nur Romulaner Lv 40: 7740 Experience Point icon
Nur Föderation Lv 15: 3600 Expertise icon
Nur Klingone Lv 33: 7515 Expertise icon
Nur Romulaner Lv 40: 7425 Expertise icon
Plus einen der folgenden:
  • [Föderation Type 3 Phasergewehr Mk IV]
  • [Föderation Type 2 Phaser Mk IV]
  • [Klingonen Disruptorpistole Mk IV]

In "Die Nacht des Kometen", reist der Spieler zurück in die Zeit, ins Jahr 2265 um den Driffen's Komet zu zerstören und die Devidianer Invasion zu stoppen.

Zusammenfassung[ | ]

Drozana Station 2265

Drozana Station im Jahr 2265

It has been decided, that Driffen's comet has to be destroyed in the 23rd century in order to prevent the Devidians from using it to permanently shift the entire region into their realm. The player is sent to the Bepi 113 System in order to perform a Slingshot maneuver. The ship is disguised as 23rd century Klingon D7 Battlecruiser using a holographic emitter.

The slingshot effect throws the player's starship immediately in close proximity of Drozana Station. The U.S.S. Reuben James commanded by Commodore Ross mistakes the player's ship for a Klingon vessel responsible for an attack on the Gliese colony. The player has to disable the ship, since the Commodore is not supposed to die that day.

The player cannot continue to destroy the comet, since Drozana Station is being boarded by Devidians. The player beams over with an Away Team in order to defeat the Devidians and put an ongoing bar fight between Klingon and Starfleet officers to a stop. Pushed back, the Devidians retreat to the Casino and take hostages. The Shrouded Phantasm threatens to destroy the station if the player does not leave. The away team blasts through the door and defeats the Phantasm.

Among the freed hostages is Lt. Cmdr. Scott, who is eager to repair the station's shields before the rising levels of triolic energy starts to become lethal. He finds that he needs a Quantum Flux Regulator Mark II to complete the task. He knows that the stations store keeper Cassidy can find one and tasks the player with getting it.

Cassidy however is in shock and not able to remember where the item can be found. She asks for a nerve tonic to calm her down. Back at the bar, the patron explains that he needs a lot more information, since he knows how to prepare several thousand tonics. The Orion waitress is of no help either and can only think about taking care of her love interest Captain McQueen, who has been knocked out during the bar fight. She points the player to Mr. Scott, who is an expert in alcohol. Back in the shipyard, Scotty reveals himself to be a lover of Cassidy's and knows a lot about her drinking habits. With the information from him, the bartender is able to prepare the Nerve Tonic. Cassidy loves the drink and immediately remembers where to find the Regulator. The piece helps Scotty to remodulate the station's shields, but the triolic energy keeps rising. The shield modulation will only buy the station a little bit of time and the away team beams up to the ship to destroy the comet.

In the mean time however, the I.K.V. [sic!] Quv with Captain B'vat in command has entered the system. Accidentally, the player's ship is disguised as a House of Duras vessel, with which B'vat has a feud. So the player has to destroy Driffen's comet without killing B'vat in the process. The comet breaks apart into several fragments and shards, each of which have to be destroyed.

Shortly after the comet is destroyed and the triolic energy has dissipated, a temporal anomaly inside the player's ship begins forming. A pre-recorded message is played, informing the player that a Borg temporal node recovered from the B'Tran Cluster was installed during the ship's last visit to a starbase by intelligence which will bring the ship back to the present.

Outline[ | ]

Missionstext[ | ]

Wir haben festgestellt, dass die Devidianer die triollische Energie des Driffen-Kometen nutzen, um ihr Eintritt in unsere Phasenabweichung zu erleichtern. Das ist der Grund für alle Vorfälle in der neutralen Zone.

Aber es kommt noch schlimmer. Aufgrund der Menge der triolischen und temporalen Energie in diesem Kometen ist es möglich, dass die Devidianer in der Lage sind, den Raumbereich des Kometen herum ausreichend zu destabilisieren, um diesen und alles darin in deren Phasenabweichung hereinzuziehen.

Kurz gesagt, sie versuchen, einen ganzen Sektor zu "stehlen". Die daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf den umgebenden Raum würden die Zerstörung von Romulus dagegen wie einen Kindergeburtstag aussehen lassen.

Das Einzige, was wir dagegen tun können, ist die Zerstörung des Kometen, bevor die Devidianer ihn nutzen können. Es reicht nicht aus, das in der Gegenwart zu tun, weil die Devidianer dennoch im 23. Jahrhundet darauf Zugriff hätten, wenn der Komet an der Drozana-Station vorbeizieht. Wir müssen ihn dort zerstören.

Dieses Mal brauchen Sie Ihr Schiff, Sie können also nicht das devidianische Portal an der Station nutzen. Ich kann ihnen helfen, in die Vergangenheit zu gelangen, aber Sie müssen meine Instruktionen genauestens befolgen. Viel Glück.

Ziel[ | ]


Zwischenobjekte[ | ]

  • Past Out
    • Go To Bepi 113 System
    • Activate Holoemitter
    • Slingshot Around the Star
      • Fly Through Graviton Catapult 1
      • Fly Through Graviton Catapult 2
      • Fly Through Graviton Catapult 3
      • Fly Through Graviton Catapult 4
      • Fly Through Graviton Catapult 5
    • Maintain Trajectory Towards The Nav Beacon
  • Playing the Part
    • Defeat U.S.S. Reuben James
    • Beam to Station
  • Die Vergangenheit durchleben
    • Töten Sie die Devidianer auf Drozana Station (0/6)
    • Temporal objective Sammeln Sie Temporale Proben (Zeitagent)
    • Kneipenschlägerei auflösen
    • Retten Sie die Geiseln
      • Zerstören Sie die Tür zur Lounge
      • Töten Sie den Devidianer Captain
    • Sprechen Sie mit Lieutenant Commander Scott
    • Scotty zur Schiffswerft begleiten
    • Mit Scotty reden
    • Delta objective Hint to Scotty About Surviving in a Pattern Buffer (Delta Rekrutierung)
    • Quantenflussregler besorgen
      • Mit Cassidy reden
      • Besorgen Sie Cassidy eine Nerventinktur [2]
    • Zu Scotty zurück kehren
    • Zum Schiff zurückkehren
  • Zur Zukunft werden
    • Den devidianischen Kometen zerstören
      • Kometenfragmente zerstören (0/3)
        • Kometenscherben zerstören (0/9)
    • Die Zeitlinie nicht ändern
      • In die Gegenwart zurück kehren
  • Erstatten Sie Bericht an den Kontakt der Neutralen Zone

NSCs[ | ]

Verbündete[ | ]

Föderation[ | ]

  • Franklin Drake
  • Drozana Barkeeper
  • Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott
  • Cassidy
  • Selei
  • Captain McQueen

Klingonen[ | ]

  • K'men

Feinde[ | ]

Föderation[ | ]

  • Commodore Jacob Ross
  • Sternenflotte Ensign
  • Ensign Security
  • Combat Medic
  • Commander Engineering Officer
  • Starfleet Commander

Devidianer[ | ]

  • Neuankömmling
  • Besucher
  • Umbral
  • Eidolon
  • Shrouded Phantasm

Klingonen[ | ]

Objekte[ | ]

  • Sicherheitstür

NSC Raumschiffe[ | ]

Verbündete[ | ]


Feinde[ | ]

Föderation[ | ]

  • U.S.S. Reuben James

Klingonen[ | ]

Auszeichnungen[ | ]

Symbol Name Beschreibung Wie bekommt man Sie Punkte
Operative (accolade) icon Operative Defeat the Devidians in the Neutral Zone. Complete the mission. 50


Für diese Mission gibt es noch keine Walkthrough. Hilf STOWiki indem du hier eine schreibst.

Mission wiederholen[ | ]

Diese Mission ist wiederholbar durch Mission Wiederholen, wodurch die Belohnungen für die Vollendung reduziert werden. Gegenstände skalieren mit der angemessenen Spielerstufe (Skalierende Belohnungen), wie folgt:

  • Wähle einen der folgenden:
    • [Föderation Type 3 Phasergewehr Mk <>]
    • [Föderation Type 2 Phaser Mk <>]
    • [Klingone Disruptorpistole Mk <>]
    • [Aktuelle Verschlusskiste]
Stufe Rang SP Exp Mark <>
15–19 Nur Föderation Lt. Commander 1158 675 IV
20–29 Nur Föderation Commander 1552 1338 VI
30–39 Nur FöderationNur Klingone Captain
Nur Romulaner Commander
1743 1878 VIII
40–49 Nur Föderation Rear Admiral
Nur Klingone Brig. & Maj. General
Nur Romulaner Subadmiral
1935 1856 X
50 Nur Romulaner Vice Admiral 2126 1856 XI

Referenzen[ | ]

  1. Als am 27. Juli 2013, die Romulaner & Klingonischen Missionjournale zeigen zweimal ein Mindeststufe von 15 für diese Mission.
  2. Holen Sie einen Drink vom Barkeeper und geben Sie diesen. Sequenz: Warm, Sauer, Wachmacher, Stielglas, Tropfen Honig

Feature Episode Notes[ | ]

  • Fifth of five missions, of the second Feature Episode The Devidians released in fall 2010. The missions were later included in the Federation storyline episode Klingon War, but still form the separate episode Spectres in the Klingon and Romulan Republic storylines.
  • Players who completed the mission before the release of Season 3 on December 9, 2010 got a special series reward, the [Ophidian Cane].
  • The mission is part of the Featured Episode re-runs, and as such eligible for limited time, special mission rewards.
    • For the first Featured Episode Rerun week (May 12-19, 2011) the choice of level-appropriate badges as a mission reward was added for the duration of the Rerun week. The special [Ophidian Cane] reward was available during the Rerun week as well.
    • During the fourth Feature Episode re-run (October 31 to December 5, 2013) the mission was eligible for the daily Lobi Crystal reward (once 15 Lobi Crystal icon per player account and day). Also the [Ophidian Cane] was again available as reward, once per character.

Notes[ | ]

  • This mission introduces some new game features not previously seen in the game:
    • "Virtual" objects on a system map (projection of slingshot course)
    • Changing the appearance of the player's ship as part of a mission's script
    • Changing the attributes (speed) of a player's ship as part of the mission's script
  • The name of this mission may be a nod to the 1984 film of the same name, which starred Robert Beltran, later known as Chakotay in Star Trek: Voyager.
  • The bar of Drozana Station of 2265 features the same golden plaque as the 25th century version. The plaque refers to the failed colony Nimbus III, a joined Federation, Klingon and Romulan colony. However, before 2266 the Federation has had no contact with the Romulans since the Earth-Romulan War, so the colony cannot have had be established. This would be a minor continuity error, however it has to be noted, that the inscription of the plaque cannot be read in the 2265 bar and thus the plaque might not be identical with the 2409 version.
  • The U.S.S. Reuben James displays the Enterprise's hull registry number of NCC-1701.
Montgomery Scott

Montgomery Scott

  • This is the second encounter with a major character from Star Trek: The Original Series, as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott aids you in Drozana Station. The first encounter, with Dr. McCoy, was in the preceding episode “Everything Old is New”.
  • B'vat reappears at the latter stages when the player has to destroy Driffin's Comet. Destroying B'vat's ship, the IKV Quv, alters the timeline (hence the "Don't alter the timeline" objective) and results in the player failing the mission.
  • As of Season 4 the mission is no longer available at level 6 and above, but level 21 and above.

Bug[ | ]

  • One or more fragments of the comet may not appear after you destroy the main body (or shards after destroying a fragment), making it impossible to resolve the mission. Leaving the system and reentering will restart at the beginning of "Becoming the Future", where the comet is whole. If you encounter this problem, it may require you leave the system and reenter several times before the comet properly breaks apart. Try to avoid dying before breaking apart the fragments into shards as this seems to trigger, or at least exacerbate, the problem.
a · d · b
Alle Sternenflotte Fraktionen Nur Sternenflotte
Faction Klingon Nur Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht
Faction Romulan Republic Nur für Romulanische Republik
Faction Dominion Nur für Dominion
Faction Khitomer Fraktionsübergreifend
Mission verfügbar Seiteninhalt: In der ganzen Galaxie
Siehe auch: Besondere EpisodenPatrouilleEntfernte MissionenSondereinheit Operationen